How to grow the designers you manage

Effective Individual Meetings

Conduct productive one-on-one meetings with your team members to provide constructive feedback, gain valuable insights, and request 360-degree feedback on your own performance. Ensure that these meetings yield actionable takeaways.

Advocate for Your Team

Extend your support for your team beyond one-on-one interactions and design team interactions. Acknowledge and highlight their exceptional work. This proactive advocacy helps safeguard the job security of talented team members.

Elevate Performance

Collaborate with your team to encourage them to operate one to two levels above their current skillset. This approach not only cultivates their professional development but also strengthens your case for promoting them when the time is right.

Personalized Growth Plans

Develop tailored growth plans for each member of your design team, aligning their professional aspirations with the career opportunities available within your organization.

Emphasize Impact

Encourage your team to consistently aim for higher impact in their work, whether it's at the team, organizational, revenue, product, design, or company-wide level, rather than merely focusing on meeting creative briefs.

Cultivate a Positive Environment

Establish a workplace culture that promotes mutual support, mentorship, and psychological safety. Such an atmosphere enables designers to excel and progress in their careers.

Enhance Craft and Product Insight

Support your team in refining their design craftsmanship and product thinking. This can be achieved through various means, such as design reviews, critiquing sessions, informal one-on-one meetings, and facilitating mentorship relationships within the team.

Assign Growth-Centric Projects

Strive to assign designers to projects that challenge them and promote growth, pushing their boundaries and expanding their skills.

Promote Collaborative Learning

Foster an environment where team members engage in co-learning activities, sharing expertise regardless of their seniority level.