Tips for recruiting the best designers

Problem-Solving Prowess

Exceptional designers excel in diverse problem-solving approaches. Look for candidates who offer unique perspectives and creative solutions.

User-Centric Focus

Prioritize user experience enhancement. Seek candidates who advocate for users and invest in understanding their motivations.

Holistic Process

Effective designers consider the entire design process. Evaluate candidates based on their approach to holistic design.

Attract and Retain Top Talent

Maintain high standards after hiring top designers to prevent talent attrition. Keep the bar high to retain the best.

Passion Fuels Progress

Passionate designers exhibit enthusiasm and determination. Seek candidates who genuinely embody enthusiasm for their work.

Competitive Compensation

Offer competitive compensation to attract top designers. Understand market rates and provide engaging challenges, titles, and responsibilities.

The Value of Coding Knowledge

Ensure that they possess some fundamental coding knowledge. Product Designers should be well-versed in their craft, starting with their portfolio. While I don't discriminate against designers who use web templates, I do consider those who can write their own code to have an added advantage on my checklist.