
Redeem is the most popular app for deals and discounts in Sri Lanka. They were preparing to launch their business to EMEA and eventually NA when COVID hit the world.

Hats worn

Lead Product Designer. I was fortunate to be able to lead the total redesign of the app. I also helped to hire and coach part of the team.


The primary task involved a comprehensive overhaul of the app to cater to the EMEA/NA market. My contributions encompassed a holistic redesign, not only enhancing the app's user interface but also optimizing operational procedures to establish stronger connections with the target audience. This involved creating a more user-friendly information structure and establishing a unified visual style.

Problem solving example: Forced Registration

Have you ever been asked to sign up before using an app?
That's what we call 'Forced Registration' or 'Forced Sign-Up.' It's when you can't access an app without giving them your details first.

Previous version

Sometimes, you might come across forced registration in apps, and there are valid reasons for it. However, for businesses that directly sell to customers (B2C), it's not always the best approach because it can have some drawbacks, especially in retail.

The existing layout was using Forced Registration. From previous experiences, I already had a hunch that this might pose a problem. However, I needed data to confirm my suspicions. So, I conducted research, comparing the number of downloads versus sign-ups. It turns out that 23% of the users abandoned the app without signing in. I knew how to improve that but first I needed to convince the team that we needed a major change: Guest Checkout.

Guest checkout is a feature on e-commerce websites that allows customers to make a purchase without creating an account or logging in. Essentially, it enables users to buy products without the need for a username and password. Instead, customers provide their shipping and payment information during the checkout process as a one-time transaction, making the process quicker and more convenient. Guest checkout is particularly beneficial for users who prefer not to create accounts or are making a one-time purchase, improving the overall shopping experience.

My arguments:

Some data to support this:

Transforming the Shopping Experience: Aligning Teams for Major Change

The change was significant; I wasn't just proposing a deep overhaul of the sign-up process but a transformation of the entire shopping experience. Ensuring that all teams were aligned became paramount. I sought absolute clarity regarding our plans and their underlying rationale. It wasn't merely a quest for approval; I highly valued their feedback and the diverse perspectives they brought to the table. To accomplish this, we organized cross-functional team calls that included members from product, engineering, and marketing.


After several design sprints, we reached an MVP version. Users are no longer required to register before using the app. The previous 'barrier' created by Forced Registration has been replaced with a seamless multi-step process that kicks in when a user selects a service or product.

Tailored Call to Action: Adapting Based on User Information

Depending on the user's provided information, the call to action may vary.
Here's how the process unfolds:

We also streamlined the Sign In and Login flows to avoid overwhelming users with unnecessary information, which could cause distractions and potentially lead to interruptions or abandonment of the registration process.
